Tehila Aryeh

Israel’s Consul General in New York

November 01, 2016

Tehila Aryeh honed her political skills by working as an intern to the Chief of Staff for Ambassador Dani Dayan, Israel’s Consul General in New York. In her role as an intern, she was responsible for creating his event calendar, inviting Jewish leaders to private events with the ambassador to discuss relevant issues, and reaching out to hundreds of Jewish and non-Jewish organizations across the US that ally themselves with Israel. Her debate training and position as current president of LCW’s debate team prepared her for the work. “Every topic of controversy can be argued,” she said. “I lived in Israel through two wars and volunteered in a shock trauma unit that helped all of Israel’s citizens. Nothing is black-and-white.”

How did you find out about this opportunity?

Sarri Singer, assistant director of career services at LCW, told me about it.”

What was your favorite part of the internship?

“I liked that I was able to see what went on behind the scenes. Diplomacy is really all about outreach and building bridges.”

Who are your political role models?

“I admire someone who is capable of working with both sidestrue leadership lies in the ability to cross the aisle without fearing retribution, and with the intent to create solutions that will benefit everyone across the board.”

Next internship experience?

“Interning for Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) in the fall.”

Goals after LCW?

“Law has always been my calling, so hopefully law school (wish me luck on my LSATs!).  But everything I experience before then will enrich my future.”