Defeating Anti-Semitism Through Education
Jewish Advocate Shabbos Kestenbaum Imparts Important Lessons During Visit to Lander College for Women

Lander College for Women student Shoshana Goldsmith described how a visit from Shabbos Kestenbaum emboldened her and her fellow LCW students to take a stand against anti-Semitism.
As the fall semester came to a close, outspoken campus advocate Shabbos Kestenbaum visited Lander College for Women (LCW). He delivered a moving talk to the student body and spent some time speaking with the LCW Advocacy Leadership Fellowship participants. Kestenbaum addressed the burning topic of antisemitism, drawing upon his experiences and observations from his experiences at Harvard. His firsthand accounts vividly illustrated the multifaceted challenges faced by Jewish students at elite institutions, where they often navigate a complex landscape of prejudice and misunderstanding. Kestenbaum's observations highlighted the need to address hate and intolerance, especially in educational institutions, and to build inclusivity and awareness.
In sharing his personal story, Kestenbaum recounted not only the many incidents of discrimination he had endured as a Jewish student in Harvard but also the profound emotional toll these experiences had taken on him. He spoke sincerely about the resilience and advocacy that emerged from these trials. His account made it clear how these challenges motivated him to become a vigorous spokesman for the Jewish community. He highlighted that each of us has something to contribute to the fight against antisemitism. He called upon students to consider how personal action might be brought to bear on this ubiquitous societal problem.
Kestenbaum defined the pressing need to teach as a great weapon against hate, a moving argument that knowledge is a powerful instrument to combat prejudice. "You defeat antisemitism through education," he said. "Make sure you are as knowledgeable, you are as informed, and you are as educated on this issue as you possibly can be. This is a commitment to yourselves, especially during your time here at Lander, that you are going to be the most educated, inspired, passionate, and informed Jew that you can possibly be."
This passionate call to action for a community of attendees to stand steadfast in their identity and mission struck a profound chord within those present. The talk fostered an environment of support and encouragement and amplified the students’ resolve to embrace their heritage and become active voices against hatred.
Ella Berger, a student in the advocacy fellowship program, reflected on the talk, saying, "I really appreciate that Shabbos took the time to share his insights and answer our questions. He assured us that, although we may be young college students, with proper education and passion for our Judaism, we can greatly impact society and the American people."
The event certainly left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those who attended, forging a more substantial commitment to confronting hatred.