Taquilla Vincent

NYSCAS senior Taquilla Vincent made an impression on the recruiters she met with her drive and confidence. Vincent, a political science major, said she is considering a career in law and hopes to eventually attend Columbia Law School or Georgetown Law. She was at the career fair to look for a full-time position for the next year.
Vincent felt that some career experience would make her a more attractive law school candidate. “It’s been going really well,” she said about her time at the career fair. “Employers have been incredibly welcoming and that put me in a really positive frame of mind.”
Vincent said that her work as part of Touro’s work-study program was a boon for her interviews with recruiters. “I helped students learn how to apply for financial aid, so I was always meeting new students and having to explain things to them clearly. It made talking to people you don’t know much easier and prepared me for something like this.”
Vincent said her goal is to practice in either family or international law.