Miryam Lakritz
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Future Editor

High school: Torah Academy of Milwaukee
Seminary: Machon Raaya
Major: English; Minor: Education
Future career: English teacher or editor
Favorite class: Methods of Early Childhood Education
“We’re learning about a method of education called unit-author studies, in which the goal is to teach our (future) students about an author. We have them read 3 or more books from the same author and analyze the stories individually, and then in conjunction with each other. We’re also learning about balanced literacy—moving away from the old-fashioned method of administering spelling tests, grammar quizzes, and endless phonics pages for homework, and more towards having students absorb spelling, grammar, and phonics skills through holistic reading and writing assignments.”
Future plans: To teach English literature in high school, become a school administrator for upper middle schools. Or, to become an editor in a mainstream publishing house.
What she loves most about LCW: “I knew I wanted to be in a Jewish college. Most of my seminary friends were choosing Touro, so I was confident that I’d have a strong social life.”
Hobbies: A singer and performer, Miryam has played in several Rachel’s Place and Ladies Got Talent productions (most notably, the lead role of Cinderella in Rachel’s Place’s 2015 production of Kingdom of Aldecot).