Elianna Simon-Vann
CBS Sports

Major: Digital Multimedia Design
Class of 2017
Elianna Simon-Vann was first introduced to the world of graphic design while serving as layout editor of her high school yearbook. Though she initially considered studying physical therapy in college, she followed her passion to pursue design. When she began her search for a summer internship, she was advised by a fellow student who interned at HBO to search online and apply to every position she found interesting. “My friend guaranteed that the effort would pay off—and it did.” After two months spent filling out 60 applications, Elianna landed a summer internship as a design and marketing intern at CBS Sports, where she had the opportunity to create web banner designs announcing game times, advertisements for sports magazines, college football toolkits, and more. “I got to see a lot of the process, which was so valuable.” Elianna also spent part of her summer studying photography at NYSCAS.
What was a memorable moment in your internship?
“When I was working within Sports Network, which focuses on college sports, I made a toolkit for each college of a poster with dates for games. During a meeting, the marketing team pulled out a stack of designs and chose mine out of all the options (including those of full-time staff designers!). It was such a fulfilling moment. I was also introduced to the chairman and CEO of CBS Sports.”
Did anything surprise you about the experience?
“I was surprised by how warm everyone was! I expected a corporate environment but it was very laid-back. I became friends with interns in the other departments.”
What’s your dream job?
“To be creative director for Vogue.”
Favorite class at LCW?
Advanced Studio Design. “Professor Malka Goldfein challenged us and I came out with work way beyond what I ever thought I could do.”
Advice for other students?
“Aim high! People tend to set the bar low, so they get stuck. Know that you will get anywhere you want to if you put in the effort.”